Règles et errata
Règles et errata
Il y a une erreur sur la fiche. Elle concerne au moins ANGELO. Réparation n'existe plus, il faut le remplacer par Technologie qui comprend la réparation et l'amélioration.
Pour mémoire "réparation" servait aussi à l’amélioration mais ce n'était pas explicite.
Il y a une erreur sur la fiche. Elle concerne au moins ANGELO. Réparation n'existe plus, il faut le remplacer par Technologie qui comprend la réparation et l'amélioration.
Pour mémoire "réparation" servait aussi à l’amélioration mais ce n'était pas explicite.
Re: Règles et errata
Vous pouvez poster vos fiches sur vos sections de perso svp.
Pompez sur Angelo si besoin.
Vous pouvez passer une compétence de 1 à 2 et une autre de 2 à 3
ou en passer une directement de 1 à 3.
Suggestion Tyrael mêlée/background.
Pompez sur Angelo si besoin.
Vous pouvez passer une compétence de 1 à 2 et une autre de 2 à 3
ou en passer une directement de 1 à 3.
Suggestion Tyrael mêlée/background.
- Messages : 1876
- Enregistré le : sam. sept. 16, 2017 2:06 pm
Re: Règles et errata
Quid des flaws/merits on les jouent ou pas ?
Re: Règles et errata
c'est lili qui gère (cf les consignes dans la fiche)
Re: Règles et errata
Maximum de flaws : 7
Maximum de mérits : 7
1 pt = 1 freebie.
J'ai mis en rouge des flaws déjà présent dans certains background comme Hunted et Vice pour le Baron et
Criminal record pour Angelo.
Ces flaws peuvent disparaitre : si vous tuez vos ennemis, si vous vous soignez, si vous coopérez avec la police, etc...
Attention aux flaws qui restent et peuvent devenir pesant.
On ne peut pas prendre deux fois le même bonus ou malus. (si j'ai un merit avec un bonus en empathie, je ne peux prendre un autre merit qui donne lui aussi un bonus en empathie : make a choice.
Acute Sense (1 pt. Merit)
One of your senses is exceptionally keen. –2 difficulties to any roll involving this sense.
Light Sleeper (1 pt. Merit)
You wake quickly from nearby commotions.
Natural Runner (1 pt. Merit)
Your mortal host enjoyed running, therefore you’re in good shape. Your Dexterity is +1 for purposes of determining movement.
Perfect Balance (1 pt. Merit)
Your sense of balance is superb. –2 difficulty to all balance-related rolls.
Good Night Vision (2 pt. Merit)
Your night vision is excellent. -2 difficulty to Perception rolls at night.
Sexy (2 pt. Merit)
You are one sexy mutha. –2 difficulties to Social rolls when dealing with a character who is attracted to you. When actively attempting to use your charms, the difficulty is –3.
Daredevil (3 pt. Merit)
You love to take risks. When attempting a dangerous action (diff at least four and potential to inflict thee lethal or six bashing damage if you fail), you get +3 dice and can ignore one botch.
Note that combat does not apply to this merit.
Approachable (1 pt. Merit)
There’s something very approachable and non-threatening about your host. –1 difficulty to all Empathy rolls.
Early Adopter (1 pt. Merit)
Your mortal host always wanted the new toys, so you quickly understand most new consumer-level technology. +2 dice to any Technology roll to figure out how to use a gadget.
Good Taste (1 pt. Merit)
Your taste makes forging contacts with the upper class much easier. –2 difficulties for Social rolls intended to gain acceptance or impress in a high-society or business situation.
Gossip (1 pt. Merit)
You’re an incurable gossip, and other gossips recognize a kindred spirit in you. –2 difficulty to social interrogations (ones made without bullying or intimidation)
Flirt (2 pt. Merit)
You’re not just good at flirting, your great at it. +2 to all Social rolls involving flirtation and seduction.
Great Liar (2 pt. Merit)
Lying comes naturally to your character. +2 dice to any social roll that involves lying to or deceiving another person.
Pillar of the Community (2 pt. Merit)
You are respected by those in your community, and trusted by those who live around you. They are more likely to believe you when you bring warnings of potential danger or explanations of strange events...the first few times, anyway.
Upright Citizen (2 pt. Merit)
Your host has not dirty secrets to come back and haunt you, and people who know her have a hard time believing anything bad about you.
Corporate Savvy (3 pt. Merit)
You understand the dynamics of business, and can manipulate it to a degree. +2 dice to any roll involving manipulating a corporate structure or a corporate employee.
Media Savvy (3 pt. Merit)
There’s a knack to dealing with the media, and you have it. +2 dice to any Social rolls in which you deal with journalists or reporters.
Concentration (1 pt. Merit)
Less affected by any penalties stemming from distracting circumstances.
Fast Reader (1 pt. Merit)
You can quickly extract useful information from anything written in your host’s native language
Natural Linguist (2 pt. Merit)
Your host had a gift for other languages. +3 dice to any roll to reading, write, or speak a language your character knows, excluding native tongue.
Unflappable (3 pt. Merit)
Your host was a naturally placid person who took things in stride. +2 dice on any Willpower roll that involves staying calm or not overreacting to mundane experiences.
Cannot Enter Holy Ground (3 pt. Flaw)
No matter what your Torment, you still suffer damage from sanctified items & holy ground.
Flashbacks (3 pt. Flaw)
You are haunted by what you saw during the War of Wrath. The ST can call for a Willpower roll; make it or start hallucinating that you’re back in the war.
Hunted (4 pt. Flaw)
You are pursued by a fanatical ennemy.
Allergies (1 pt. Flaw)
Your mortal body is allergic to a common substance. +1 diff to all rolls in that substance’s presence.
Restricted: Not per se, but if you try to claim an allergy to molten lava, yaks, or other things not commonly found in Philadelphia, don’t count on it.
Distinguishing Characteristic (2 pt. Flaw)
Your mortal body had a feature that makes them easy to pick out.
Vice (1-3 pt. Flaw)
You are addicted to something, from cigarettes (1 pt.) to heroin (3 pt.)
Poor Night Vision (2 pt. Flaw)
Your night vision sucks. +2 diff to any actions made in dim light or starlight (or worse).
Bad Liar (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host had tremendous trouble lying. +2 difficulty to any roll involving verbal deception
Children (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host has children, and you can’t help but care for them. If you go three days without seeing them, you cease regaining Willpower until you do again.
Crude (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host never learned manners growing up, and still hasn’t. +2 difficulties to Social rolls in formal situations.
Dogged by Fringe Media (2 pt. Flaw)
You’ve attracted the attention of an amateur reporter. He follows you, trying to dig up dirt on your past.
Lustful (2 pt. Flaw)
You can’t resist advances of the appropriate gender. –2 difficulty on any Seduction attempts against you.
Stalked (2 pt. Flaw)
Someone has an unhealthy obsession with your character.
Revoked Driver’s License (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host had their driver’s license revoked due to reckless driving, DUI, etc. If you are ever pulled over, the car will be impounded and you will be arrested.
Criminal Record (2 pt. Flaw)
Your host had a shady past, and was convicted for several misdemeanors or a minor felony.
Maximum de mérits : 7
1 pt = 1 freebie.
J'ai mis en rouge des flaws déjà présent dans certains background comme Hunted et Vice pour le Baron et
Criminal record pour Angelo.
Ces flaws peuvent disparaitre : si vous tuez vos ennemis, si vous vous soignez, si vous coopérez avec la police, etc...
Attention aux flaws qui restent et peuvent devenir pesant.
On ne peut pas prendre deux fois le même bonus ou malus. (si j'ai un merit avec un bonus en empathie, je ne peux prendre un autre merit qui donne lui aussi un bonus en empathie : make a choice.
Acute Sense (1 pt. Merit)
One of your senses is exceptionally keen. –2 difficulties to any roll involving this sense.
Light Sleeper (1 pt. Merit)
You wake quickly from nearby commotions.
Natural Runner (1 pt. Merit)
Your mortal host enjoyed running, therefore you’re in good shape. Your Dexterity is +1 for purposes of determining movement.
Perfect Balance (1 pt. Merit)
Your sense of balance is superb. –2 difficulty to all balance-related rolls.
Good Night Vision (2 pt. Merit)
Your night vision is excellent. -2 difficulty to Perception rolls at night.
Sexy (2 pt. Merit)
You are one sexy mutha. –2 difficulties to Social rolls when dealing with a character who is attracted to you. When actively attempting to use your charms, the difficulty is –3.
Daredevil (3 pt. Merit)
You love to take risks. When attempting a dangerous action (diff at least four and potential to inflict thee lethal or six bashing damage if you fail), you get +3 dice and can ignore one botch.
Note that combat does not apply to this merit.
Approachable (1 pt. Merit)
There’s something very approachable and non-threatening about your host. –1 difficulty to all Empathy rolls.
Early Adopter (1 pt. Merit)
Your mortal host always wanted the new toys, so you quickly understand most new consumer-level technology. +2 dice to any Technology roll to figure out how to use a gadget.
Good Taste (1 pt. Merit)
Your taste makes forging contacts with the upper class much easier. –2 difficulties for Social rolls intended to gain acceptance or impress in a high-society or business situation.
Gossip (1 pt. Merit)
You’re an incurable gossip, and other gossips recognize a kindred spirit in you. –2 difficulty to social interrogations (ones made without bullying or intimidation)
Flirt (2 pt. Merit)
You’re not just good at flirting, your great at it. +2 to all Social rolls involving flirtation and seduction.
Great Liar (2 pt. Merit)
Lying comes naturally to your character. +2 dice to any social roll that involves lying to or deceiving another person.
Pillar of the Community (2 pt. Merit)
You are respected by those in your community, and trusted by those who live around you. They are more likely to believe you when you bring warnings of potential danger or explanations of strange events...the first few times, anyway.
Upright Citizen (2 pt. Merit)
Your host has not dirty secrets to come back and haunt you, and people who know her have a hard time believing anything bad about you.
Corporate Savvy (3 pt. Merit)
You understand the dynamics of business, and can manipulate it to a degree. +2 dice to any roll involving manipulating a corporate structure or a corporate employee.
Media Savvy (3 pt. Merit)
There’s a knack to dealing with the media, and you have it. +2 dice to any Social rolls in which you deal with journalists or reporters.
Concentration (1 pt. Merit)
Less affected by any penalties stemming from distracting circumstances.
Fast Reader (1 pt. Merit)
You can quickly extract useful information from anything written in your host’s native language
Natural Linguist (2 pt. Merit)
Your host had a gift for other languages. +3 dice to any roll to reading, write, or speak a language your character knows, excluding native tongue.
Unflappable (3 pt. Merit)
Your host was a naturally placid person who took things in stride. +2 dice on any Willpower roll that involves staying calm or not overreacting to mundane experiences.
Cannot Enter Holy Ground (3 pt. Flaw)
No matter what your Torment, you still suffer damage from sanctified items & holy ground.
Flashbacks (3 pt. Flaw)
You are haunted by what you saw during the War of Wrath. The ST can call for a Willpower roll; make it or start hallucinating that you’re back in the war.
Hunted (4 pt. Flaw)
You are pursued by a fanatical ennemy.
Allergies (1 pt. Flaw)
Your mortal body is allergic to a common substance. +1 diff to all rolls in that substance’s presence.
Restricted: Not per se, but if you try to claim an allergy to molten lava, yaks, or other things not commonly found in Philadelphia, don’t count on it.
Distinguishing Characteristic (2 pt. Flaw)
Your mortal body had a feature that makes them easy to pick out.
Vice (1-3 pt. Flaw)
You are addicted to something, from cigarettes (1 pt.) to heroin (3 pt.)
Poor Night Vision (2 pt. Flaw)
Your night vision sucks. +2 diff to any actions made in dim light or starlight (or worse).
Bad Liar (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host had tremendous trouble lying. +2 difficulty to any roll involving verbal deception
Children (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host has children, and you can’t help but care for them. If you go three days without seeing them, you cease regaining Willpower until you do again.
Crude (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host never learned manners growing up, and still hasn’t. +2 difficulties to Social rolls in formal situations.
Dogged by Fringe Media (2 pt. Flaw)
You’ve attracted the attention of an amateur reporter. He follows you, trying to dig up dirt on your past.
Lustful (2 pt. Flaw)
You can’t resist advances of the appropriate gender. –2 difficulty on any Seduction attempts against you.
Stalked (2 pt. Flaw)
Someone has an unhealthy obsession with your character.
Revoked Driver’s License (1 pt. Flaw)
Your host had their driver’s license revoked due to reckless driving, DUI, etc. If you are ever pulled over, the car will be impounded and you will be arrested.
Criminal Record (2 pt. Flaw)
Your host had a shady past, and was convicted for several misdemeanors or a minor felony.
Re: Règles et errata
+ True Love (1 pt. Merit).
+ Occult Library (2 pt. Merit).
+ ceux que j'oublie et qui vous semble cohérent.
+ Occult Library (2 pt. Merit).
+ ceux que j'oublie et qui vous semble cohérent.
Re: Règles et errata
je propose pour Julius :
Distinguishing Characteristic (2 pt. Flaw) => Brûlure sur le visage
Your mortal body had a feature that makes them easy to pick out.
Criminal Record (2 pt. Flaw) => il sort de taule
Your host had a shady past, and was convicted for several misdemeanors or a minor felony.
Distinguishing Characteristic (2 pt. Flaw) => Brûlure sur le visage
Your mortal body had a feature that makes them easy to pick out.
Criminal Record (2 pt. Flaw) => il sort de taule
Your host had a shady past, and was convicted for several misdemeanors or a minor felony.
- Messages : 1876
- Enregistré le : sam. sept. 16, 2017 2:06 pm
Re: Règles et errata
Je garde vice et hunted.
Short fuse me parait contraignant. Mais je jouerais le nervus akus de temps en temps.
Soit 7 pts de flaw
Je prends Danger sense (2pts merit) (sixème sense)
Soit donc 5FB
Je complète la fiche bientôt.
Je garde vice et hunted.
Short fuse me parait contraignant. Mais je jouerais le nervus akus de temps en temps.
Soit 7 pts de flaw
Je prends Danger sense (2pts merit) (sixème sense)
Soit donc 5FB
Je complète la fiche bientôt.
Re: Règles et errata

Mes traits s'affinent, mes gestes sont plus sûrs, ma mémoire plus vive. Mon esprit marque un peu plus mon corps... Hallélujah!